Ellerslie Toy Library

We've got 700+ toys, LEGO, dress-ups, ride-ons, puzzles, music, train sets, role play and sporting equipment for children aged 6 months to 6 years. 

Each family can borrow up to Five toys at a time for 2 weeks and renew them when you need. We're always adding new toys to our library to ensure that they're in great condition and challenge and excite our children! We're run by a committee of local families, volunteers and our wonderful librarian Thallini 


We welcome all members with two annual membership options:

Duty Membership is $110 and requires you to complete 1 rostered duty every 3 months of 2-3 hours. You can choose your roster based on your availability. We welcome friends and family to cover your shifts too!

If you'd prefer not to commit to rostered duties the Non-Duty Membership fee is $190.

We also offer a 4-week trial membership for $20 with a refundable $50 bond. If you decide to join the library immediately after your trial membership finished, your trial fee and bond can be discounted from your annual membership. 

How to Join:

Join the Toy Library today by selecting the 'Join Now' button and completing the online form. Alternatively you can come into the library during one of our sessions. Membership payment can be done either by direct debit or eftpos (credit cards not accepted). You'll receive instructions for payment after you have completed the form. 

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